Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Global Marijuana March - Saturday, May 2, 2009, Noon

Got plans for this weekend? Well, cancel 'em. Have I got a party for you!

It's time, once again, for the Global Marijuana March, a worldwide event held the first Saturday in May since 2005. I'll be there, and so should you!

Sure, mainstream media might give you the impression that grassroots (see what I did there?) street activism of the sort represented by the Marijuana March is a thing of the past. But the marijuana legalization movement is stronger than ever. A solid majority of people on the West Coast now support removing all criminal penalties for the herb, and cannabis activists have momentum on our side according to almost any knowledgeable observer of the scene.

If you've ever attended a pot rally, I don't have to tell you what a positive rush such a gathering of the kind tribes can bring. There's nothing like a group of like-minded hempsters united by a common purpose to put a smile on your face, a song in your heart, and a buzz in your brain. If this will be your first time, don't worry -- you won't find a gentler, friendlier, more mellow crowd anywhere.

The Details For Seattle

Join us while we march and rally for equality and justice for cannabis supporters and medical marijuana patients everywhere.

We will meet at noon at Volunteer Park in the Capitol Hill neighborhood in Seattle.

We will have a volunteer peace-keeper meeting at 11:15 at the left side of the amphitheater.

We will march at 1 pm and arrive at Westlake Center at around 2 pm for a rally with guest speakers and musical performance.

This march is in solidarity with coordinated marches in over 300 cities world wide.

Marijuana is non-toxic, not physically addictive, therapeutic, cost effective, and beneficial for society when the criminality is removed (and abuse is dealt with as a public health issue).

Medical patients should have access to safe, pure, affordable medicine.

Nobody should be imprisoned over cannabis.

San Francisco Information

SF Weekly Chronic City: Goin' To A Party, Party - Global Marijuana March 2009

For those in cities other than Seattle and San Francisco, look here for information on the march nearest you:
Global Marijuana March

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